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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 ::
I bought SHOES!!!

I'm in love with them. Waited for a big Myer sale and dove into the meleé with the hordes of shoe-crazed harpies.

Came out alive with a cute pair of strappy-yet-comfy black leather sale shoes! My toes are wiggling in excitement!


It was a magic night at Federation Square last night, with the airing of the final Australian Idol.

I sat down on the ground with Anne and the rest of the cheering Guy Sebastian fans. Of course, Guy won.

It was a great moment when we all jumped up and cheered en masse with the announcement of the winner.

Sadly, I'll admit that I already know his song "Angels Brought Me Here". Well, there are worse things that I could do...

:: Cathy 5:03 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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