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:: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 ::
Day one of the returned roommate: cat either defecates or vomits on the floor.

No time to clean it up; gotta get to work. Hopefully this time it won't dry on the floor before it's cleaned up.

:: Cathy 8:32 AM [+] :: 1 comments


    Yeah well your crafty cat isn't so great either sometimes. Had the quilt on the table to finish ,covered it up in plastic to go to work so it would stay clean. Came home & crafty kitty has wormed under the cover to lay on the quilt. How is it comfey to lay in a suffocating plastic bag when there are 5 beds to choose from, some with windows beside them & a nice breeze?? I vacuumed off the hairs best I could
    # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:16 PM  

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