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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Thursday, January 19, 2006 ::
Thinking about buying some coffee? Get over to Starbucks - it's Latte for Literacy day!

Buy any size latte and Starbucks will donate 100% of the purchase price to support literacy programs across Canada.

If there are two things I believe in, it's coffee and literacy. (OK, and protecting the environment, but that's not on the table today. That was yesterday's rant.)

So, even though I've made a concerted effort to curb my coffee spending, I'm taking my Starbucks card over there today and buying a medium decaf latte... I wonder if they'll donate the cost if I put a vanilla shot in it?

Anyway, as if you needed a better reason to buy a latte!

:: Cathy 10:00 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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