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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 ::
Word of the day:

n. public display of rejection: when your valentine takes you somewhere lovely only to break your heart in front of strangers.

:: Cathy 11:26 PM [+] :: 3 comments


    oh my ... what happened?
    # posted by Blogger raye : 12:07 AM  

    Oh, I wasn't referring to me.

    We didn't go skating, I hung out waiting at Indigo for 1.5hrs and we ate at 9pm and I went home. End of story.

    It was public, it was a display, but it wasn't exactly a "rejection". My romantic hopes were crushed, but not rejected - he's proposed a make-up date, but I've heard that one before...
    # posted by Blogger Cathy : 2:27 PM  

    We want more details!!

    WE WANT MORE !!!
    WE WANT MORE !!!
    WE WANT MORE !!!

    $@(*#(@*@# !!!
    # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:15 PM  

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