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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 ::
Last night, I sat next to Jack Layton on the subway. It was weird to see him so close up.

I am happy to see him taking the TTC, actually. This is the kind of politician that I can get behind.

On top of that, he had a conversation with a couple of strange people who recognized him and he treated them very well, even though I'm sure he had about a hundred other things that he could think of that he'd rather be doing. He gave them his attention. Admirable.

:: Cathy 11:09 AM [+] :: 2 comments


    That's kind of crazy, but you're right - it's exactly the kind of thing that people need to see.
    # posted by Blogger Jay : 12:50 PM  

    i met him at a speech at school last semester ... really approachable, well-dressed, nice smile. what more can i say :)
    # posted by Blogger raye : 10:45 PM  

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