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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Saturday, July 29, 2006 ::
After work last night, I came straight home and started working.

  • I planted my front garden and watered it.
  • I drilled holes in my planters (yay Cathy figured out the drill!) and planted those too.
  • I mowed the lawn and swept the sidewalk.
  • I cleared the deck of all boxes and recycling and whatever. Stowed it UNDER the deck.
  • I cleaned up the basement, sweeping and moving heavy boxes by myself.
  • I put down and vaccuumed a rug in the basement.
  • I swept the main floor.
  • I vaccuumed the stairs and upstairs.
  • I cleaned the kitchen - a huge thing, actually, since it had all kinds of things on it.
  • I left Alex's dishes for him to do.
  • I did laundry.
  • I brought all sorts of unsightly crap to the basement.
  • I cleaned the bathroom.
I'm really quite proud of myself.
There are still more things that I want to get done today. But if they don't, I won't worry too much. Instead, I shall try to enjoy the company of my friends and family and not try to belabour that I did EVERYTHING.

I will figure out how to NOT be bitter about this.

My house looks pretty!

:: Cathy 9:22 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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