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:: Friday, July 21, 2006 ::
I'm trying to come up with a birthday wish list and so I've been looking for a wish list service.

Froogle (by Google) - crap because they only allow you to add things/products that you can find within their special search. This special search only contains products from particular vendors. I guess they're the ones who've paid to be included. Boo!

The Things I Want - not bad, because you can add items from wherever. Problem is, you have install their software in your browser and I'm a little unhappy about doing that.

Is there wish list web-based software that will allow me to update my own wishlist with items from wherever I want by just adding a link?

Does this exist already and I just can't find it, or is this an opportunity for some enterprising tech nerd?

:: Cathy 9:48 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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