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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Friday, January 28, 2005 ::
Last night, Sarah and I went to the Me to We seminar, put on by Craig and Mark Kielburger, in association with the Learning Annex.

It was good, although targeted at younger people since their organization, Free the Children, is targeted at mobilizing young people to become leaders in global citizenship.

However, it renewed the inspiration the movement had for me when I read the book. And what did I do today?

Clicked on the Hunger Site. Come on, you can do it too. All you have to do is click the button every day (or even just today) and you will feed people who need it.

Let me know if you do it.
It will make me feel good to know that I even made one small difference today.

:: Cathy 9:13 AM [+] :: 1 comments


    i clicked baby!
    # posted by Blogger raye : 4:22 PM  

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