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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Saturday, December 24, 2005 ::
Christmas has begun!

Last night I had Christmas with Alex. He was so thoughtful with his gifts - they all had a theme of "keeping Cathy warm."

Fuzzy pyjamas, warm softest socks, gorgeous leather gloves. And Lindors - they might not keep me warm, but I love them more than anything.

I was so excited for him to open my presents: jeans, a shirt, a year's subscription to Canadian Musician, 2 Pilates DVDs, and Glenfiddich Solera Reserve 15-year old scotch (from St. Maarten, naturally).

And now I'm just waiting for Matt to come pick me up and take me home to the farm.

YAY Christmas!

:: Cathy 12:14 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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