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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Monday, September 05, 2005 ::

Skipping stones
Originally uploaded by webgoddesscathy.

Ontario is synonymous with the cottage-weekend.

Sadly, I've never been one to experience it - I've never had a cottage. This weekend, I rented a car and took a bunch of my friends up north for the long weekend.

Sarah, Jaap, Alex and I drove to Bala on Friday to catch Alex's band playing in the battle of the bands at The Kee.

Of course, the most horrible band won, as is wont to happen in battles. I do NOT know why they keep entering. The hopes of winning compromises their sense.

After the show, we got lost before winding our way to Washago and Mill Island, where her dad has a lovely cottage.

We canoed, walked the town, went on adventure drives, ate a lot and read our books in the sunshine. It was great.

On our way home, we decided to go by way of Midland (not exactly on the way). I thought maybe I could show Jaap the Martyr Shrine, St. Marie-Among-the-Hurons, Wye Marsh. Well, all of the above are quite expensive undertakings. Even the church is $3 for each person. I was surprised by that. I know, they need to keep up the buildings... maybe we should have gone on, but I really couldn't say that it was actually worth it. I can't remember anymore. I was there when I was something like 8 years old.

We ate lunch and continued on to Tiny Beach Road and skirted Georgian Bay all the way down to Wasaga. What a great beach that is. Too bad about the people. And the tacky. Really, too bad.

We stopped in at my parents' house for a quick hello before heading off for some Alliston Dairy Queen and then home before the horrible long weekend traffic.

We even managed to go for a walk over to Theresa's house and have some tea over her Newfoundland pictures.

I love my friends.
I love the summer.

I don't want it to end.

:: Cathy 10:14 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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